Touch the points of the little finger and the ring finger to the tip of the thumb lightly.
This is a life-giving mudra, it energizes the body and improves its vitality.
It helps to improve eyesight. A must for those who feel nervous, tired and weak.
Hirschi, p70
This mudra is associated with the root chakra, in which the elemental force of a human being is found. I like to compare this place with a fire that iseither ablaze or just glows queietly. How brightly the fire burns depends on how well we tend it. This finger position stimulates thnourishin energy in the pelvic floor.
The mudra generally improves vitality, reduces fatigue and nervousness and improves vision. It is also used against eye diseases. On the mental emotional level it increase our staying power and assertiveness, healthy self confidence gives us the courage to start something new, and the strength to see things through. Clear eyes are also a sign of amental outlook emphasizing clarity and a clear mind, which means clearly structured thoughts and ideas.
According to Kim da Silva,when you do the Pran Jucra you can also put your thumb onto the fingernails of the other two fingers instead of their tips. This has the effect of causing both of the right and left brain hemispheres to function equally, become active, and mutually complement each other, which is very important for holistic health.
Nervousness is usually a sign of weakness, of too much distraction and too little inner stability. The mudra, combined with a conscious, slow and gently way of breathing- has the effect of being as stabilizing and calming as a secure anchor.
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